Refurbished multifunctional pool house.
Clear cedar structure and cladding with stainless steel fasteners.Cedar fence panels assembled and installed on site.
Architect: Donald Mckay
Refurbished multifunctional pool house.
Clear cedar structure and cladding with stainless steel fasteners.Cedar fence panels assembled and installed on site.
Architect: Donald Mckay
Refurbished multifunctional pool house.
Clear cedar structure and cladding with stainless steel fasteners.Cedar fence panels assembled and installed on site.
Architect: Donald Mckay
Rabbit Guards
A unique design solution to protect organic vegetables
Cedar and wire mesh rabbit guards with stainless steel hinges.
Designer: Kent Aggus
Rabbit Guards
A unique design solution to protect organic vegetables
Cedar and wire mesh rabbit guards with stainless steel hinges.
Designer: Kent Aggus
Rabbit Guards
A unique design solution to protect organic vegetables
Cedar and wire mesh rabbit guards with stainless steel hinges.